Non-Equilibruim Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Poiseuille Flow in a Nanochannel

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Pardis Street, Molla-Sadra Avenue, Vanak Square, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


The numerical simulation of a Poiseuille flow in a narrow channel using the molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) is performed. Poiseuille flow of liquid Argon in a nanochannel is simulated by embedding the fluid particles in a uniform force field. Density, velocity and Temperature profiles across the channel are investigated. When particles will be inserted into the flow, it is expected that the dynamics of flow will depend on the thermostat chosen. To obtain a more uniform temperature distribution across the channel we use local thermostating near the wall. The obtained results show that velocity profile, slip length and slip velocity depends on the driving force. 


Main Subjects

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