A Simulation study on ionic current in cylindrical hydrophobic nanopores

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Sharif University of Technology


The ionic current and electroosmotic flow (EOF) are studied in hydrophobic nanopores ‎numerically. The Poisson, Navier-Stokes, and Nernst-Planck equations were solved ‎simultaneously by finite element method. For the characterization of hydrophobic ‎nanopores, the Navier-slip boundary condition was replaced the no-slip boundary condition ‎on the surface of the nanopore, and a wide range of slip lengths is used in order to cover all the possible hydrophobic conditions. The effect of hydrophobicity on different ionic current ‎mechanisms is investigated. Also, the effects of voltage difference, electrolyte concentration, ‎and radius of nanopore on the ionic current in hydrophobic nanopores are studied. The ‎results show that nanopore hydrophobicity affects the convective and electrophoretic ionic ‎current significantly. Due to the EOF enhancement by increasing the nanopore’s slip length, ‎the convective ionic current signifies, and the electrophoretic ionic current dwindles.‎


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